Samsung washer error code 2e

The highly popular Samsung washing machines are known for their advanced technology, reliable performance, and impressive durability. However, like any other sophisticated appliance, they’re not immune to occasional glitches or errors. One such issue is the Error Code 2E, often displayed on the machine’s digital screen.

What is the Samsung Washer Error Code 2E?

The Error Code 2E, also known as the voltage error, signifies an electrical problem. Specifically, it points towards a malfunctioning control board – the brain of your washing machine. This board processes the input from various sensors, sending commands to the machine’s components to perform desired operations. If the control board encounters an issue, it could lead to erratic operation, impeding the smooth functioning of your Samsung washing machine.

Causes of Error Code 2E

Several factors may trigger the Error Code 2E. Here’s a rundown of the most common causes:

  1. Power Surge: A sudden surge in the power supply can damage the washing machine’s control board, leading to the Error Code 2E.
  2. Faulty Wiring: Loose or damaged wiring connecting the control board can cause irregularities in power transmission, resulting in the error.
  3. Defective Control Board: A manufacturing defect or long-term wear and tear may compromise the control board’s functionality, causing this error code.
  4. Electrical Interference: Sometimes, other high-powered devices in the home can interfere with the washer’s electricity, leading to anomalies.

Troubleshooting the Samsung Washer Error Code 2E

While it’s advisable to call a professional for complex electrical issues, there are some steps you can follow to possibly rectify the Error Code 2E.

Step 1: Power Reset

Start by unplugging your washing machine and leaving it disconnected for about 10-15 minutes. This rest period allows any residual electricity to dissipate, potentially resetting minor glitches on the control board. After the pause, reconnect your machine and see if the error code persists.

Step 2: Inspect Wiring

Check the wiring that connects the control board to other components of the washer. Ensure there are no loose connections or damaged wires. If you discover any problematic wires, it might be time to call a professional.

Step 3: Electrical Interference

If other high-powered devices are on the same circuit as your washer, they could be causing electrical interference. To rule this out, unplug these devices and test the washer again. If the error disappears, consider using a separate circuit for your washing machine.

Step 4: Control Board Replacement

If the error code still persists, the control board itself might be faulty and may require replacement. For this, you’d need a professional appliance repair technician who is experienced with Samsung washing machines.

Prevention of Error Code 2E

Maintaining the health of your washing machine can prevent this error from occurring. Here are a few tips:

  1. Safeguard Against Power Surges: Use a surge protector to avoid any sudden spikes in voltage that could damage your washer’s control board.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain your machine to prevent long-term wear and tear.
  3. Right Usage: Make sure to operate your washing machine as per the instructions given in the user manual. Avoid overloading it or using inappropriate detergent.


The Samsung Washer Error Code 2E can be a bit daunting, but understanding its causes and knowing how to troubleshoot it can help keep your laundry routine uninterrupted. Remember, though, safety comes first. If the problem persists or if you’re unsure about any of the steps, it’s always best to call in a professional. Remember, regular care and maintenance of your machine can keep such issues at bay, ensuring that your washing machine remains a reliable asset for years to come.

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